You need to tell us the date of your eventDD/MM/YYYY |
You need to tell us the time of the eventUse 24 hour clock or tell us if AM or PM. |
You need to tell us the name |
You need to tell us the address |
You need to tell us the postcode Look up your postcode. Enter 'not known' if you don't know the postcode. |
You need to tell us the purpose What the event is in aid of and why it is important. |
Is the event a:You need to tell us the type of event |
Will food be served?You need to tell us if food will be served |
You need to tell us how many people will be attendingYou can give an estimate |
Would you like to invite the Lady Mayoress or Lord Mayor’s Consort to the event?You need to tell us if the Lady Mayoress should attend The Lady Mayoress or Lord Mayor's Consort usually attends functions with the Lord Mayor |